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Coach's Corner



Do 10 reps/sprint 10 yds/10 reps/sprint back 10 yds/30 sec rest ...sprint as hard as you can!

1. floor sprints (push up position, alternating knees to chest, 10 each leg=20 total)

2. push ups

3. block jumps- butt to the ground, spread fingers, shrug shoulders (10 press left/10 press right)

4. in-and-outs (push up position, both feet to chest, butt down, feet back out, flat back)

5. spike approaches

6. tricep dips with a high kick after each dip

7. dot drill/ladder drill (your choice), working fast feet

8. heels to the heavens (both legs straight up, butt comes off the floor, legs up the whole time)

9. slow deep squats keep arms straight in the air the whole time

10. push up position, opposite hand taps opposite shoulder (10 each arm=20 total)

Volleyball Skill Work

  • 3x10 left-to-right...4 quick shuffles in between...touch the floor, shoulders low

  • 3x20 shuffles passing the ball (have family throw at you in a hitting motion or hit to you)

  • 3x10 shuffles laying out for ball with 1 arm (family member throw)

  • 3x25 hitting at wall (not in a row)- toss to your right where you have to move your feet to the ball, then:

  • 3x25 tossing to your left and move your feet (quick) around the ball to where ball on the right side of your body when you make contact

  • 1 min- regular situps while setting the ball above your head

  • 1 min- situps setting against the wall

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