Spring/summer 2016 schedule Download
1. Physicals
At Clear Springs High School May 14th from 9 am - 1 pm for $25 each. Click here for flyer. This has replaced the doctor who used to come to Lake. Exams will be performed by Methodist physicians. Clear Lake Athletic Training Dept. gets a portion of the proceeds for each CLHS athlete who gets their physical done there. You are welcome to use your own physician or a pharmacy with a clinic in it. The link to the Athletic Form is https://www.ccisd.net/departments/athletics/athletic_forms/ Turn physical forms into Lake Athletic Trainers, Coach Gleeson or Dana Tegeler, before the end of school. Tip: Regardless of which physician does your physical, please have your athlete take a picture of it with her cell phone for quick retrieval in the event it gets lost or a trainer isn't around to verify that it is on file.
2. Strength, Agility and Jump Training with Mark Potter
$285 per player. 8 week program, Monday through Friday, June 6-July 30th.
Location: MWF- 43Speed gym: 17317 El Camino.
Location: T/TH will be outside field days at Dad's Field on Hwy 3 and Pineloch.
Times: JV/Varsity: 9-10:30 am
Current and Incoming Freshman 11 am-12:30 pm
Register: 43speed.com (go to payment tab and click on "Clear Lake")
3. Clear Lake SWAT (Speed Weight and Agility Training)
This is a less intensive alternative to the training with Mark Potter.
Tentative Location depending on construction: Krueger Field House/Clear Lake High School
Price: $60 range for 8 week program June 13-July 21
Register: Click here for more information and registration form.
4. Open Gym- Kruger Field House
*** NOTE: Times and Locations have been changed ***
Monday and Wednesdays
July 11 from 11:30-1:30 and July 13 from 11:00-1:00 at Krueger Field House
July 18,20 11:00-1:00 at 9th Grade Center
5. Hot N Sweaty renamed to Coast Summer League
Location: Absolute Volleyball Academy (AVA),451 Spruce St, Dickinson, TX 77539
Price: $50 per player. Includes t-shirt
Times: July 11-15 and July 18-22
• Varsity: 2pm-5pm on July 11, 13, 15, 19, 21. Tournament: Thursday, July 21.
• Junior Varsity: 2pm-5pm on July 12, 14, 18, 20, 22. Tournament: Friday, July 22.
• Freshman: 6-9pm on July 11, 13, 15, 19, 21. Tournament: Thursday, July 21.
Make checks payable to Coast Volleyball.
Registration Form is due to Coach Eager by April 29.
6. Team Camp at University of Houston.
July 29-30th.
Day Camp Cost: $206.70 per player includes t-shirt , dinner 7/29, lunch 7/30
Overnight Camp Cost: $259.70. includes t-shirt, dinner/7/29. pizza 7/29, breakfast & lunch 7/30
Varsity players will choose the overnight option, but it is encouraged for all Lake volleyball players.
A separate email will be sent with registration information. Our girls will be placed on teams by Lake coaches. It is important to register on the correct link for your daughter's assigned team.
7. Tryouts at Kruger Field House
August 1st -2nd.
Run the mile 6:45 am August 1st.
Tryouts are free but players must register online at clearlakevolleyball.org.
You must have an updated physical form on file to try out. Since trainers may not be on track at 6:45 am, have a copy of the signed physical on your athlete's phone.
8. Serve It Up Dinner
Monday August 8th
Location: Clear Lake High School Commons located in Freshmen building.
9. Program Ads due August 12th. More information will be sent on programs soon. However, for those wanting to get a jump on your ad sales, click here to download the updated sales form.
10. Scrimmages
All Clear Lake Volleyball Teams Participate
Clear Lake: August 5th-6th
Cy Woods: Tuesday August 9th
11. Pearland Invitational Tournament - Varsity Only
August 11th-13th
Locations and times TBA
12. Magnolia Tournament - Varisty Only
August 18-20
Location: Magnolia High School