Sports Training: COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
The following guidelines will be in effect for the 2020 season:
Athletes/Staff will complete a screening questionnaire every morning before participating.
If you have symptoms or become sick during the session, you must let a coach know and will be sent home.
Restroom use limited to “1 in 1 out”.
Athletes must provide their own water bottle/snack. No sharing!
Athletes/Staff will continuously wash/sanitize hands throughout training.
Athletes/Staff will be required to wear a mask when indoor training.
Any parent/player not comfortable with attending Sport Training for safety reasons, please contact the coach.
Clear Lake Volleyball Freshman A
Clear Lake Volleyball Freshman B
All athletes will ride the bus to AWAY games.
Parents have the option to drive their athlete home from an away game...this is only for this year and not normally allowed.
If an athlete is going to ride with their parent, they must fill out the Travel Form the day before (not the day of) the game.
The Travel Form will also be used for HOME games for those athletes leaving directly after their match is played...this is only for this year and not normally allowed.
Please do not send older siblings, family friends, neighbors, etc to pick up your athlete. It must be a parent or guardian.
An athlete can only ride home with their parent. Parents may NOT take other athletes with them, even if the other athletes' parents say it is okay.
AWAY GAME FOOD ORDERS - Link Info Coming Soon!
If you would like to order food for your athlete during away games, follow the instructions to order from Jason's Deli online. Orders are due at 1:30 pm the day before weekday games and 9 am the day before weekend games. You will pay Jason's Deli directly with your order.
Travel Form
Fill out the form online.
Jason's Deli Food Orders
Follow the instructions to order Away Game Food online.
Please check the 2021 Game Schedule and find home games that you can sign up to work concessions! Sign up to cover games when your player is NOT playing. We have a concession stand in both Krueger and Main gyms when both are in use. Look at the dates and times and find at least THREE spots your family can cover. We need support from all parents to be successful!
Need to sign up for Concessions?
Misplaced a form from the Serve It Up dinner?
Ready to order food for the Away Games?
Visit the Team Info page for 2021-22 Season Info
Are you an Incoming 9th Grader interested in Volleyball?
Incoming 9th grade players interested in trying out for volleyball and their parents
Tues, March 29th at 6:00 pm
Kruger Field House, Clear Lake High School
Addison Carter
Ava Duff
Samantha Espinoza
Nia Farinacci
Ally Harper
Sophia Hillis
Jocelyn Howell
Tyler Knight
Nicole Kramer-Arzola
Paige Powell
Audrey Warner
Paige Woodruff
Spring Volleyball League Info
2022 CCISD Spring Volleyball League - Varsity and JV
Tuesdays & Thursdays - May 10, 12, 17, & 19
View the league information and schedule
AVA Spring Volleyball League - Varsity and JV
Tuesdays & Thursdays (6:30-9:30 PM) - May 10, 12, 17, 19
Deadline to Enter: Friday, April 22, 2022
View the league information and schedule
Stellar Spring Volleyball League - Varsity only
All players will sign up themselves on the summer website ( under the "HS Spring League" tab. They will then click on the "Registration" button and complete the registration form and waiver. Once their registration has been completed, we will then invoice each player via email! The main page lists all of the logistics and information.
Registration deadline is April 17th.